Pair of Vintage Old School Fru
:) :( :P :o :C ;Y :0 :D :/ :s :r ;) :H) :i) :Q) Powered By:Cute Guestbook"; if($do=="do_sign"){ if ($name!="" && $comment !=""){ $name = str_replace ("|~!|","", $name); $comment = str_replace ("\n", "
", $comment); $comment = str_replace ("|~!|", "-", $comment); $comment = str_replace ("", $comment); $comment = str_replace (":(","", $comment); $comment = str_replace (":P","", $comment); $comment = str_replace (":o","", $comment); $comment = str_replace (":C","", $comment); $comment = str_replace (";)","", $comment); $comment = str_replace (";Y","", $comment); $comment = str_replace (":D","", $comment); $comment = str_replace (":s","", $comment); $comment = str_replace (":r","", $comment); $comment = str_replace (":/","", $comment); $comment = str_replace (":O)","", $comment); $comment = str_replace (":H)","", $comment); $comment = str_replace (":i)","", $comment); $comment = str_replace (":Q)","", $comment); $name = stripslashes ($name); $comment = stripslashes ($comment); $lis="0"; $user=file("badwords.txt"); for($x=0;$xThank you for signing our guestbook.
"; }else{ echo"Please fill the required fields

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Signed on:$p[4]
$prev"; for ($i=1; $i<=$num; $i++) { if ($i==$page) { echo " $i "; } else { echo " $i "; } } echo "$next
"; } } if ($action=="sign"){ echo"Sign our Guestbook
"; echo "
* Name:
"; smiles(); echo"
* Comments:
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"; } echo "
"; ?>